VIBRIS - Productions scientifiques


Beucler, É., A. Mocquet, M. Schimmel, S. Chevrot, O. Quillard, J. Vergne & M. Sylvander (2014). Observation of deep water microseisms in the North Atlantic Ocean using tide modulations. Geophys. Res. Lett. 2014GL062347

Participations à des congrès

Gaudot I., Beucler É., Mocquet A., Schimmel M., Le Feuvre M., Leparoux D., Côte P., Ambient noise tomography of western France: the VIBRIS project, Some preliminary results, 4th QUEST Workshop, May 19-25, 2013, Benodet, Fr. (poster)
Mis à jour le 23 mars 2015.